The Fire Support Team (FIST)

The FIST works at company level in armor, infantry, and cavalry units and is responsible for developing the fire support plan to support and protect his unit. The FIST uses laser technology as well as the Mark I eyeball to acquire targets, uses advanced radios to call for artillery fire, and adjust that fire onto the target. Manned by Field Artillery officers and soldiers in MOS 13F, the Fire Support Team is the front end of Field Artillery's devastating fires. More information on the bottom of the page about Fire Support Specialists.

Learn More about the MOS in the FM 6-30

Learn More about the BFIST

Learn a Little more about the new COLT Team Vehicle

Learn about Fort Sill

13F Fire Support Specialist
a. Major duties. The fire support specialist leads, supervises, or serves in intelligence activities including target processing in FA cannon, rocket, and missile battalions.

(1) MOSC 13F1O. Establishes, maintains and operates radio and wire communications and speech security equipment including encoding and decoding of messages using CEOI or grid thrust line templates. prepares and maintains daily staff journal, fire support situation map, status charts, capability overlay, and other fire support and target processing records. Assists in preparation and dissemination of fire support plans, coordinating documents, and target lists and provides liaison support. Assists in initiating requests for field artillery, mortar, naval gunfire, and aerial delivered munitions. Emplaces, maintains, and assists in the operation of laser range finders, target designation, and night observation devices Operates and performs operator maintenance on section vehicles and generators. performs crew maintenance and participates in organizational maintenance of section equipment..

(2) MOSC 13F2O. Assists fire support sergeant in training of subordinates in fire support procedures, techniques, and tactics, and supervision of section operations, maintenance, and training. Leads and trains the forward observer team and Combat Observation Lasing Tech (COLT) in combat operations. Prepares observer target lists and assists in formulating offensive and defensive fire support plans. Initiates requests and adjusts field artillery, mortar, and naval gunfire using all methods of adjustment including continuous and coordinated illumination. Initiates suppressive and screening fire to support scheme of maneuver and performs crater analysis. Selects and occupies observation post (OP). Orients map and prepares terrain sketch and visibility diagram.

(3) MOSC 13F3O. Instructs advises and evaluates forward observers and fire support personnel in tactics, techniques, and procedures. Supervises the performance of operator, crew, and organizational maintenance on section vehicles and equipment. Leads and trains the fire support team (FIST) operations at company level. supervises and directs the construction, camouflage, and defense of the section position. Assists senior targeting NCO in targeting cells.

(4) MOSC 13F4O . Leads and trains the targeting elements of the DIVARTY TOC or FA Brigade TOC or the fire support element at battalion or higher levels during combat operations. Advises and assists fire support sergeants of subordinate elements in fire panning and coordination techniques. Drafts fire support plans for tactical operations orders and plans. coordinates plans for company, battalion, and brigade fire support and integrates then with the overll scheme of maneuver. Recommends the employment of fire support means to include naval gunfire and close air support. Recommends employment of target acquisition assets and target selection standards to include COLT employment. Assists in the target analysis and fire planning at the brigade, division, and Corps fire support element (FSE). Supervises the performance of operator, crew, and organizational maintenance on section vehicles.

b. Physical demands rating and qualifications for initial award of MOS. Fire support specialist must possess the following qualifications:
  • (1) A physical demands rating of very heavy.
  • (2) A physical profile of 111111.
  • (3) Normal color vision.
  • (4) A minimum score of 100 in aptitude area FA.
  • (5) Skill levels 1 and 2 soldiers must possess a CONFIDENTIAL security clearance.
  • (6) Skill level 3 and 4 soldiers must possess a SECRET security clearance.
  • (7) Formal training (completion of MOS 13F course conducted under the auspices of USAFAS) mandatory.
  • (8) A U.S. citizen.

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